this blog is dedicated to family and friends who want to be a part of an adventure.

Friday, September 11, 2009


On Thursday September 10, 2009 Riots broke out in the capital of Uganda, Kampala. The unrest within the country is due to a conflict between the Ugandan government and the King of Buganda. The King has planned to visit part of his kingdom on Saturday, but the government does not want him and are tying to make it impossible for him to do so. So the Buganda people are letting the government know they are unhappy by rioting and creating attention, and they are succeeding.
Last night the rioting reached Mukono where UCU is located. From the university you could hear gun shots and shouting.. But no one seems to be worried so that means neither do you.. i feel very safe but we are not allowed to leave the campus this weekend.
The rioting and violence should be resolved soon, but when the king comes to visit on Saturday the rioting is expected to be the worse yet..
be praying for peace to arrive quickly...
check out.. and


  1. Sam,
    It was good to hear your voice today and know that you are okay. Praying always for you.
    Be careful.

  2. Love ya my brother! Know that you are constantly being prayed for. I miss ya so much but am so stoked that you're able to be on the other side of the world! See you sooner than later, and a changed man you will be. Until next time...

    May the peace of Jesus be with you, those at the university, and all the peeps of Uganda.

